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Made from a high-quality fabric with an eco-label, the mattress protector meets the highest ecological standards. The mattress protector is equipped with antimicrobial and antistatic properties and ensures a hygienic sleeping and feel-good environment. It actively works against the growth of bacteria and germs, which helps to protect the baby's health. Another advantage of the mattress protector is its temperature-balancing function. It regulates the baby's body heat. The mattress protector also has an odor-neutralizing effect. It effectively absorbs unpleasant odors. The mattress protector is easy to attach and easy to clean (30 degree gentle wash cycle).
Realizata din material de cea mai buna calitate, cu eticheta ecologica, protectia pentru salteaua de landou respecta cele mai inalte standarde ecologice
Are proprietati antimicrobiale si antistatice si asigura un mediu igienic si confortabil pentru somn
Actioneaza activ impotriva dezvoltarii bacteriilor si germenilor, protejand astfel sanatatea copilului
Echilibreaza temperatura si regularizeaza caldura corpului copilului
Are un efect de neutralizare a mirosurilor si absoarbe efectiv mirosurile neplacute
Protectia este usor de detasat si curatat (ciclu de spalare delicata la 30°C)
Dimensiuni: 76x32x1 cm
Greutate: 0,20 Kg
Producător | HARTAN |
Culoare | Alb |
Țara de fabricație | Germania |